“Drink to me. Drink to my health. You know I can’t drink any more.” P. Picaso
"My fun days are over" James Dean
“Yes I Am” John Lennon. This word was his reply after Chapman asked him.
“I hope I haven’t bored you” Elvis Presley, on his last press conference.
”If someone is going to kill me, they will kill me”. John_F Kennedy
“You can get more with a kind word and a gun than (you can get) with a kind word alone.” Al capone.
“Money can’t buy life.” Bob Marley.
"Tomorrow I shall no longer be here". Nostradamus.
"The sadness will last forever" Vincent Van Gogh
"Go on. Get out!... Last Words are for fools who haven't said enough! Karl Max
"I’m losing It”. Frank Sinatra 1. go crazy (in a forgetful way), 2. to be angry, to lose your temper. Frank Sinatra.
"I'm tired of fighting, Dash. I guess this thing is going to get me". (Henry houndini)
"If someone is going to kill me, they will kill me” (on arrival at Dallas)
“Never felt better.” Douglas Fairbanks, Sr
“ It’s awfully hot today.” Jesse James
"I shall never get rid of this depression". Vincent Van Gogh
" The sadness will last forever", Vincent Van Gogh
"Tomorrow I shall no longer be here". Nostradamus.
"I'm tired of fighting, Dash. I guess this thing is going to get me." Henry houndini
“Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life will be so much happier without me. I love you. Kurt Cobain (suicide note)
“The meager satisfaction that man can extract from reality leaves him starving." Sigmund Freud
“I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark.” Thomas Hobbs
“Too bad, too bad! It’s too late!” Ludwig van Beethoven
“What an account I shall have to give to God! How I should like to live otherwise than I have lived.” Phillip III, King of France
“My God. What’s happened?” Diana (Spencer), Princess of Wales (per police files)
"My work is done, why wait?" Eastman, George (Suicide note.)
A remark or prediction that is likely to be proved wrong by events.
Before "famous last words" became used as a rejoinder to point out the possible recklessness of an assertions of safety or certainty, it was used to refer to the actual dying words of prominent people. It was probably brought into the realm of sarcasm by such well-known last words as "They couldn't hit an elephant from this distance" - an actual statement made by U.S. Civil War General John Sedgwick, immediately prior to his being shot dead by a sniper.
It was initially used in a figurative sense to suggest in jest that something that had been said might cause offence and result in the speaker being put in a dangerous position; for example:
A. "I think I'll ask Mike Tyson if he's always had that lisp".
B. "Famous last words!".
The first instances of this form were printed in a series of newspaper cartoons in the 1920s/30s. This early example is from The Milwaukee Sentinel July, 1928.
The phrase was later extended to refer to more general potentially lethal situations, not necessarily involving the speaker, as in this piece from Shell Aviation News, 1948:
Leopoldville is easy to find because you cannot miss the Congo River. (Famous last words!)
It is now used widely and in reference to situations where the outcome might be bad, but in a minor rather than lethal way; for example:
A. "We won't miss the train. Mike's never late".
B. "Famous last words!".
“Drink to me. Drink to my health. You know I can’t drink any more.” (Pablo Picaso)
"My fun days are over" (James Dean)
“Yes I Am”. (John Lennon). This word was his reply after Chapman asked him.
Before he died, he had a chance to say “I hope I haven’t bored you,”on his last press conference.
His doctor said that Elvis died because of cardiac arrhythmia. (Elvis Presley)
”If someone is going to kill me, they will kill me”. John_F Kennedy
“You can get more / much further with a kind word and a gun than (you can get) with a kind word alone.” Al capone.
“Money can’t buy life.”. Bob Marley.
"Tomorrow I shall no longer be here". Nostradamus.
"The sadness will last forever" Vincent Van Gogh
"Go on. Get out!... Last Words are for fools who haven't said enough! Karl Max
"I’m Losing It” and "The best is yet to come". Frank Sinatra
"I'm tired of fighting, Dash. I guess this thing is going to get me". (Henry houndini)
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